Saturday, August 1, 2009

I have natural hair but I am afraid to loc'. HELP! Why am I so afraid??

I have been natural for about 6 years and the sad thing is that I always wear my hair in twists or twist extensions (which are like locs) But I guess the word LOCS is saying that I am LOCKED into that one style. :-(

I have natural hair but I am afraid to loc'. HELP! Why am I so afraid??

We as women are rightfully careful about our hair. The process of "Loc"ing one's hair is a big step because "Loc"ed hair can't be undone after a while. If you are enjoying the versatility of being able to wear it straight (press-n-comb), twist it when you want, and extend it when you want, hold out on something so committed as "Loc"ing the hair. I love the way our beautiful people look in locs. (men especially "WOW") I have friends who love their locs and they can curl, twist, and bun them into wonderful styles. I am also thinking of making that change from chemical processed to natural. Good luck

I have natural hair but I am afraid to loc'. HELP! Why am I so afraid??

if you are afraid then i say don't do it...stick with the kinky twist.....

I have natural hair but I am afraid to loc'. HELP! Why am I so afraid??

I have natural hair, I wanted locs as well, but for me it was too much of a commitment. Locs are cool and very versatile, also with locs your hair grows faster. Then if you get tired of them you can always cut em off and start all over again. Sister locs look really cool too, they are smaller than average sized locs...

I have natural hair but I am afraid to loc'. HELP! Why am I so afraid??

You're afraid because you'll have to chop it all off when they lock and you get tired of them.

I have natural hair but I am afraid to loc'. HELP! Why am I so afraid??

Maybe because you don't really want them. I'm very versatile with my hair too and I hate to have just one style. So I wouldn't even consider getting locs.

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